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Massage Therapy

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Alleviate Chronic Pain & Promote
Wellness at Our Massage Therapy Clinic

Experts in therapeutic and neuromuscular massage, our specialists use targeted soft tissue massage therapy to reduce your pain and inflammation, improve your circulation, relieve your muscle tension, and reduce your stress—benefiting a wide range of acute and chronic disorders. 

Massage Therapy Helps a Variety of Conditions Including:

Knee Injury & Pain

Our therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy treatments help alleviate pain and stiffness in the knee area by improving circulation to the knee joint, releasing trigger points, and reducing tension in surrounding muscle groups.

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Back Pain & Injury

Our therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy helps alleviate chronic back pain and nervous system dysfunction associated with trigger points, poor circulation, nerve compression, postural problems, and repetitive movement injuries.

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Neck Pain & Injury

Our therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy helps alleviate chronic neck pain and nervous system dysfunction associated with trigger points, poor circulation, nerve compression, postural problems, and repetitive movement injuries.

Shoulder Pain & Injury

Our therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy helps alleviate chronic shoulder pain and nervous system dysfunction associated with trigger points, poor circulation, nerve compression, postural problems, and repetitive movement injuries.

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Our therapeutic massage therapy helps alleviate chronic pain associated with arthritis, and increases your range of motion in arthritic joints.

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Headaches & Migraines

Our therapeutic massage therapy helps alleviate headache and migraine pain by reducing headache-producing anxiety and stress, improving oxygen-rich blood circulation, relaxing muscles, and easing muscle tensions in the head, neck, and shoulders, which relieves pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

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Personal Injury & Auto Accident

Our therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy alleviates muscle pain and nervous system dysfunction associated with trauma and injury.

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Athletic Recovery & Performance

Our specialized sports massage therapy treatments are designed to improve the condition of soft tissues, and stretch tight muscles. Tailored to your specific type of injury, our treatments aim to increase flexibility and endurance, promote healing and recovery time, and reduce the chance of future injury.

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Depression & Anxiety

Our therapeutic massage therapy treatments help you relax physically and mentally—promoting the release of “feel good” hormones and alleviating physical symptoms associated with emotional stress such as back and joint pain, muscle aches, and fatigue.

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About Massage Therapy

Therapeutic and neuromuscular massage therapy involves focused work on your body’s soft tissues—the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that move and support your body. To manipulate these soft tissues, massage therapists use varying degrees of pressure and movement. The targeted massage reduces pain and inflammation by improving your blood flow and restoring circulation, and may be used to address a wide range of acute or chronic pain issues such as migraines, repetitive stress injuries, whiplash, joint and muscle disorders, lower back pain, and tendonitis.