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Treatment for Wounds, Lesions & Ulcers

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Treatment Options for Wounds, Lesions & Ulcers

Treatment of your ulcers, wounds, or lesions begins with a comprehensive assessment by our team of wound care specialists. Our doctors and providers will identify any factors disrupting your body’s wound healing processes—interferences that can result in persistent chronic wounds and infection. Additionally, our specialists will determine if your ulcers, wounds, or lesions are linked to diabetes, which negatively impacts your immune system, nerve activity, and circulatory functions essential to the wound healing process.

Wound Care

Our non-surgical healing treatments for wounds, lesions, and ulcers harness your body’s natural healing capacities—accelerating and promoting the regeneration, repair, and replacement of damaged tissues. To promote closure and prevent infection in persistent, deep, and large wounds, our doctors utilize cellular allografts (HCT/Ps), which provide wounds with extra structural support. Allografts act as scaffolding—delivering live tissue to help transport cells and biomaterials that carry out the natural wound healing processes.

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Pain Management

Our pain management specialists are committed to resolving your wound pain at its source rather than simply masking your symptoms with traditional pain management medications and treatments. We recognize the complexities of pain, and partner with you to design a customized pain management plan to identify which of our pain treatments best support your near- and long-term healing.

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Nerve Therapy

Our nerve therapy specialists recognize how essential nerve health is to the wound healing process. Wounds, lesions, and ulcers can often be associated with nerve related disorders. Our clinically-proven nerve therapy program gives you access to revolutionary infrared light therapy, nerve repair injection treatments, and vibration therapy designed to promote optimal nerve function.

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Regenerative Medicine

Our regenerative medicine therapies replace, activate, and renew depleted or damaged tissues within the wound area—accelerating the rate of healing exponentially. Healthy tissue allograft reduces pain and inflammation, and supports the repair of damaged tissues.

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Understanding Wounds, Lesions & Ulcers

In a healthy body, when you experience a cut or scrape, your body’s immune system and wound healing processes kick into high gear, and within about two weeks, your wound is nearly or completely healed. However, the wound healing process is complex and can be slowed or prevented by a number of factors—resulting in persistent, chronic wounds. Chronic wounds are more common if you suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, or vascular disease, and they are especially linked to diabetes.

Diabetes causes your body to have consistently high blood sugar levels, and these high levels disrupt healing at the cellular level by causing problems with your immune system, nerves, and circulation. One of the most significant factors impacting wound healing is inadequate blood supply, as the oxygen and nutrients that blood carries to a wound are essential to the wound’s ability to heal and the wound site’s capacity to fight off infection. Additionally, blood with high glucose levels becomes a food source for bacteria, which feed off the extra sugars—preventing healing and causing infection.

Diabetic wounds and ulcers are also associated with diabetic neuropathy—a condition impacting your nerves and resulting in loss of feeling. When you have diabetic neuropathy, you may not even realize you have a wound—because you can’t feel it.